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The Weight Grid Table#


This table specifies the age-time weighting functions on a grid. It has the following columns:


This column has type integer and is the primary key for the weight_grid table. Its initial value is zero, and it increments by one for each row.


This column has type integer and is a weight_id in the weight table. Each weight_id value corresponds to a different weighting.


This column has type integer and is a age_id in the age table. Each age_id value corresponds to a specific age.


This column has type integer and is a time_id in the time table. Each time_id value corresponds to a specific time.


This column has type real . For each row in the table, the value in this column is the weighting, at the corresponding age and time, and for the specified weight_id ,


If the weight_id for a row appears in the data table or the avgint table , the corresponding weight must be positive (greater than zero).

Rectangular Grid#

For each fixed value of weight_id the set of age_id , time_id pairs is rectangular. In other words, if an age_id value appears, it appears once with each time_id that appears with this weight_id . This also means, if a time_id value appears, it appears once with each age_id that appears with this weight_id .


The file weight_grid_table.py contains an example weight_grid table.