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Plot Log-Scaled Values With Respect To Age and Time#


# plot_curve(
   pdf_file    = None ,
   plot_title  = None ,
   plot_limit  = None ,
   plot_data   = None ,
# )


This argument can’t be None . It is a str containing the location where the pdf file containing the plot will be placed.


This argument can be None . It is a str title printed at the top of every plot.


This argument can’t be None . It is a dict with the following keys:


is a float containing the minimum age in the plot region.


is a float containing the maximum age in the plot region.


is a float containing the minimum time in the plot region.


is a float containing the maximum time in the plot region.


This argument can’t be None . It is a dict where each element is a list . The key for the dictionary is the name of the value z being plotted. For each z_name is in plot_data ,

z_list = plot_data [ z_name ]

is a list . Each element of this list is a dict with the following keys: 'age' , 'time' , 'value' . In addition, it may also contain the key 'std' .


For each row in z_list , row [ 'age' ] is the age corresponding to this value of z .


For each row in z_list , row [ 'time' ] is the time corresponding to this value of z . For each age value in a z_list , the set of time value must be the same; i.e., the set of age an time values form a rectangular grid.


For each row in z_list , row [ 'value' ] is the value of z . All of these values must be non-negative and they must not all be zero.


For each row in z_list , row [ 'std' ] is the standard deviation corresponding to this value of z . This key is optional. It appears for one element of a z_list , it must appear for all the elements of the z_list . This can change between different z_name values. Furthermore, it this appears, it will be plotted and it must not be all zero (for one z_list ).

