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Generating Priors For Next Level Down Node Tree#

Node Table#

The following is a diagram of the node tree for this example:

    n11            n12
  /     \        /     \
n111   n112    n121   n122

We refer to n1 as the root node and n111 , n112 , n121 , n122 as the leaf nodes.


Given the information for a fit with n1 as the parent, with corresponding data y1 , pass down summary information for a fit with n11 as the parent with corresponding data y11 .


Step 1: Create Database#

This first database fit_n1.db is for fitting with n1 as the parent and predicting for n11 .

Step 2: Fit With n1 As Parent#

Use fit both to fit with n1 as the parent to obtain e1 the corresponding estimate for the model_variables . This is done using database fit_n1.db

Step 3: Simulate Data#

Set the truth_var_table equal to the estimate e1 and then use the simulate_command to simulate N data sets. This is done using database fit_n1.db

Step 4: Sample Posterior#

Use the sample command with the simulate method to create N samples of the model variables. Call these samples s1_1 , … , s1_N . This is done using database fit_n1.db

Step 5: Predictions For n11#

Use the predict command with the sample to create N predictions for the model variable corresponding to fit with n11 as the parent. Call these predictions p11_1 , … , p11_N . This is done using database fit_n1.db

Step 6: Priors For n11 As Parent#

Use the predictions p11_1 , … , p11_N to create priors for the model variables corresponding to fitting with n11 as the parent and with data y11 . In this process account for the fact that the data y11 is a subset of y1 which was used to obtain the predictions. These priors are written to the database fit_n11.db which starts as a copy of the final fit_n1.db . This is done so that the subsequent init and fit commands do not wipe out the results stored in fit_n1.db .

Step 7: Fit n11 As Parent#

Use fit both to fit with n11 as the parent to obtain e11 corresponding estimate for the model variables.

Problem Parameters#

The following parameters, used in this example, can be changed:

def iota_no_effect(age) :
   return 0.01 + 0.01 * age / 100.0 # must be non-decreasing with age
data_per_leaf =  10    # number of simulated data points for each leaf node
meas_cv       =  0.10  # coefficient of variation for each data point
alpha_true    = -0.10  # rate_value covariate multiplier used to simulate data
random_seed   = 0      # if zero, seed off the clock
number_sample =  10    # number of simulated data sets and posterior samples
random_effect = dict()
random_effect['n11']  =  0.2
random_effect['n12']  = -random_effect['n11']
random_effect['n111'] =  0.1
random_effect['n112'] = -random_effect['n111']
random_effect['n121'] =  0.1
random_effect['n122'] = -random_effect['n121']
avg_income = dict()
avg_income['n111'] = 1.0
avg_income['n112'] = 2.0
avg_income['n121'] = 3.0
avg_income['n122'] = 4.0
avg_income['n11']  = (avg_income['n111'] + avg_income['n112'])/2.0
avg_income['n12']  = (avg_income['n121'] + avg_income['n122'])/2.0
avg_income['n1']   = (avg_income['n11']  + avg_income['n12']) /2.0

Age and Time Values#

The time values do not matter for this problem because all the functions are constant with respect to time. The age_table for this problem is given by

   age_list = [ 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, 100.0 ]

We use n_age to denote the length of this table.

Rate Table#

The only rate in this problem is iota . There are n_age parent rate values for iota , one for each point in the age table. There are two iota Child Rate Effects , one for each child node. Note that there are two children when fitting n1 as the parent and when fitting n11 as the parent.


There are two covariates for this example. One covariate has the constant one and reference zero. The other covariate is income and uses the average for its reference. The average income is different depending on whether n1 or n11 is the parent.


There are two Group Covariate Multipliers .


One multiplier multiples the constant one and models the unknown variation in the data (sometimes referred to as model misspecification). We call this covariate multiplier gamma . We use a uniform prior on this multiplier so that it absorbs all the noise due to model misspecification. When checking for coverage by the samples s1_1 , … , s1_N , we expand the sample standard deviation by a factor of (1 + gamma ) . This accounts for the fact that the noise absorbed by gamma is modeled as independent between data points. When fitting with n1 as the parent, this noise is correlated between samples in the same leaf.


The other multiplier multiplies income and affects iota . We call this covariate multiplier alpha . We note that both average income and random effects vary between the nodes. When fitting with n1 as the parent, alpha tries to absorb the random effects at the leaf level. We use a Laplace prior on alpha to reduce this effect.

Data Table#

For this example, all the data is Sincidence . There are data_per_leaf data point for each leaf node. Income is varies within each leaf node so the random effect can be separated from the income effect. Normally there is much more data, so we compensate by using a small coefficient of variation for the measurement values meas_cv . The simulation value of iota , corresponding to no effect, is a function of age and defined by iota_no_effect ( age ) . Each data point corresponds to a leaf node. The total effect for a data point is the random effect for the leaf node, plus the random effect for parent of the leaf, plus the income effect. Each data point is for a specific age and the corresponding mean is iota_no_effect ( age ) times the exponential of the total effect. The standard deviation of the data is meas_cv times its mean. A Gaussian with this mean and standard deviation is used to simulate each data point.

Source Code#

# begin problem parameters
def iota_no_effect(age) :
   return 0.01 + 0.01 * age / 100.0 # must be non-decreasing with age
data_per_leaf =  10    # number of simulated data points for each leaf node
meas_cv       =  0.10  # coefficient of variation for each data point
alpha_true    = -0.10  # rate_value covariate multiplier used to simulate data
random_seed   = 0      # if zero, seed off the clock
number_sample =  10    # number of simulated data sets and posterior samples
random_effect = dict()
random_effect['n11']  =  0.2
random_effect['n12']  = -random_effect['n11']
random_effect['n111'] =  0.1
random_effect['n112'] = -random_effect['n111']
random_effect['n121'] =  0.1
random_effect['n122'] = -random_effect['n121']
avg_income = dict()
avg_income['n111'] = 1.0
avg_income['n112'] = 2.0
avg_income['n121'] = 3.0
avg_income['n122'] = 4.0
avg_income['n11']  = (avg_income['n111'] + avg_income['n112'])/2.0
avg_income['n12']  = (avg_income['n121'] + avg_income['n122'])/2.0
avg_income['n1']   = (avg_income['n11']  + avg_income['n12']) /2.0
# end problem parameters
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# imports
import sys
import os
import copy
import random
import math
import numpy
import shutil
import time
if random_seed == 0 :
   random_seed = int( time.time() )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run in build/example/user using local (not installed) version of dismod_at
test_program = 'example/user/'
if sys.argv[0] != test_program  or len(sys.argv) != 1 :
   usage  = 'python3 ' + test_program + '\n'
   usage += 'where python3 is the python 3 program on your system\n'
   usage += 'and working directory is the dismod_at distribution directory\n'
# import dismod_at
local_dir = os.getcwd() + '/python'
if( os.path.isdir( local_dir + '/dismod_at' ) ) :
   sys.path.insert(0, local_dir)
import dismod_at
# change into the build/example/user directory
if not os.path.exists('build/example/user') :
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# count number of rows in an sql file
def sql_count_rows(connection, table_name) :
   sqlcmd = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' + table_name
   result = dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
   n_row  = result[0][0]
   return n_row
# average integrand
def avg_integrand(age, income, node) :
   total_effect  = alpha_true * (income - avg_income['n1'])
   if len(node) >= 3 :
      total_effect += random_effect[ node[0:3] ]
   if len(node) == 4 :
      total_effect += random_effect[node]
   return iota_no_effect(age) * math.exp(total_effect)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def example_db (file_name) :
   def fun_iota_n1(a, t) :
      return ('prior_iota_n1_value', 'prior_iota_n1_dage', None)
   def fun_iota_child(a, t) :
      return ('prior_iota_child', None, None)
   def fun_alpha_n1(a, t) :
      return ('prior_alpha_n1', None, None)
   def fun_gamma(a, t) :
      return ('prior_gamma', None, None)
   # node_table
   node_table = [
      { 'name':'n1',      'parent':''    },
      { 'name':'n11',     'parent':'n1'  },
      { 'name':'n12',     'parent':'n1'  },
      { 'name':'n111',    'parent':'n11' },
      { 'name':'n112',    'parent':'n11' },
      { 'name':'n121',    'parent':'n12' },
      { 'name':'n122',    'parent':'n12' },
   # BEGIN age_table
   age_list = [ 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, 100.0 ]
   # END age_table
   # time_table
   time_list = [ 1990.0, 2020.0 ]
   # rate_table
   rate_table = [ {
      'name':          'iota',
      'parent_smooth': 'smooth_iota_n1',
      'child_smooth':  'smooth_iota_child',
   } ]
   # covariate_table
   covariate_table = [
      { 'name':'one',    'reference':0.0 },
      { 'name':'income', 'reference':avg_income['n1'] },
   # mulcov_table
   mulcov_table = [ {
      'covariate': 'one',
      'type':      'meas_noise',
      'effected':  'Sincidence',
      'group':     'world',
      'smooth':    'smooth_gamma'
      'covariate': 'income',
      'type':      'rate_value',
      'effected':  'iota',
      'group':     'world',
      'smooth':    'smooth_alpha_n1'
   } ]
   # prior_table
   prior_table = [
      {   # prior_iota_n1_value
         'name':    'prior_iota_n1_value',
         'density': 'uniform',
         'lower':   iota_no_effect(0)   / 10.0,
         'upper':   iota_no_effect(100) * 10.0,
         'mean':    iota_no_effect(50)
      },{ # prior_iota_n1_dage
         'name':    'prior_iota_n1_dage',
         'density': 'log_gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      1.0,
         'eta':      iota_no_effect(0) / 100.0
      },{ # prior_iota_child
         'name':    'prior_iota_child',
         'density': 'gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      1.0,
      },{ # prior_alpha_n1
         'name':    'prior_alpha_n1',
         'density': 'laplace',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      0.01,
         'lower':   -abs(alpha_true) * 10.0,
         'upper':    abs(alpha_true) * 10.0,
      },{ # prior_gamma
         'name':    'prior_gamma',
         'density': 'uniform',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      1.0,
         'lower':    0.0,
         'upper':   10.0,
   # smooth_table
   smooth_table = [
      {   # smooth_iota_n1
         'name' :    'smooth_iota_n1',
         'age_id':   range(len(age_list)),
         'time_id':  [0],
         'fun':      fun_iota_n1
      },{ # smooth_iota_child
         'name' :    'smooth_iota_child',
         'age_id':   [0],
         'time_id':  [0],
         'fun':      fun_iota_child
      },{ # smooth_alpha_n1
         'name':     'smooth_alpha_n1',
         'age_id':   [0],
         'time_id':  [0],
         'fun':      fun_alpha_n1
      },{ # smooth_gamma
         'name':     'smooth_gamma',
         'age_id':   [0],
         'time_id':  [0],
         'fun':      fun_gamma
   # weight table:
   weight_table = list()
   # nslist_dict
   nslist_dict = dict()
   # option_table
   option_table = [
      { 'name':'parent_node_name',      'value':'n1'},
      { 'name':'rate_case',             'value':'iota_pos_rho_zero'},
      { 'name': 'zero_sum_child_rate',  'value':'iota'},
      { 'name': 'meas_noise_effect',    'value':'add_var_scale_all'},
      { 'name':'quasi_fixed',           'value':'false'},
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_fixed',    'value':'100'},
      { 'name':'print_level_fixed',     'value':'0'},
      { 'name':'tolerance_fixed',       'value':'1e-12'},
   # integrand_table
   integrand_table = [ {'name':'Sincidence'}, {'name':'mulcov_1'} ]
   # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # data_table
   data_table = list()
   # values that are the same for all data points
   row = {
      'integrand':   'Sincidence',
      'density':     'gaussian',
      'weight':      '',
      'hold_out':    False,
      'time_lower':  2000.0,
      'time_upper':  2000.0,
      'one':         1.0,
      'subgroup':    'world',
   assert covariate_table[1]['name'] == 'income'
   for age_id in range( len(age_list) ) :
      age       = age_list[age_id]
      for node in [ 'n111', 'n112', 'n121', 'n122' ] :
         for i in range(data_per_leaf) :
            income = i * avg_income[node] * 2.0 / (data_per_leaf - 1)
            iota       = avg_integrand(age, income, node)
            meas_std   = iota * meas_cv
            meas_value = random.gauss(iota, meas_std)
            row['node']       = node
            row['meas_value'] = meas_value
            row['meas_std']   = meas_std
            row['age_lower']  = age
            row['age_upper']  = age
            row['income']     = income
            data_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
   # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # avgint_table
   avgint_table = list()
   # values that are the same for all data points
   row = {
      'node':        'n11',
      'subgroup':    'world',
      'weight':      '',
      'hold_out':    False,
      'time_lower':  2000.0,
      'time_upper':  2000.0,
      'income':      avg_income['n11'],
      'one':         1.0,
   for age_id in range( len(age_list) ) :
      age  = age_list[age_id]
      row['integrand']  = 'Sincidence'
      row['age_lower']  = age
      row['age_upper']  = age
      avgint_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
   # alpha is constant w.r.t age and time
   assert mulcov_table[1]['type'] == 'rate_value'
   row['integrand'] = 'mulcov_1'
   row['age_lower'] = 0.0
   row['age_upper'] = 0.0
   avgint_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # subgroup_table
   subgroup_table = [ { 'subgroup':'world', 'group':'world' } ]
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # create database
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 1: Create fit_n1.db
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
file_name  = 'fit_n1.db'
# init
program = '../../devel/dismod_at'
dismod_at.system_command_prc( [ program, file_name, 'init' ] )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 2: Fit With n1 As Parent
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dismod_at.system_command_prc( [ program, file_name, 'fit', 'both' ] )
# check e1
connection       = dismod_at.create_connection(
   file_name, new = False, readonly = True
rate_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'rate')
node_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'node')
age_table        = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'age')
var_table        = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
fit_var_table    = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
covariate_table  = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'covariate')
n_var            = len(var_table)
for var_id in range(n_var) :
   var_type     = var_table[var_id]['var_type']
   age_id       = var_table[var_id]['age_id']
   rate_id      = var_table[var_id]['rate_id']
   node_id      = var_table[var_id]['node_id']
   covariate_id = var_table[var_id]['covariate_id']
   value        = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   fixed        = True
   if var_type == 'rate' :
      age  = age_table[age_id]['age']
      node = node_table[node_id]['node_name']
      rate = rate_table[rate_id]['rate_name']
      assert rate == 'iota'
      if node == 'n1' :
         truth = iota_no_effect(age)
      else :
         truth = random_effect[node]
         fixed = False
   elif var_type == 'mulcov_rate_value' :
      rate      = rate_table[rate_id]['rate_name']
      covariate = covariate_table[covariate_id]['covariate_name']
      assert rate == 'iota'
      assert covariate == 'income'
      truth = alpha_true
   else :
      covariate = covariate_table[covariate_id]['covariate_name']
      assert var_type == 'mulcov_meas_noise'
      assert covariate == 'one'
      gamma_fit_n1 = value
   if var_type != 'mulcov_meas_noise' :
      rel_err = (1.0 - value / truth)
      fmt = 'fixed={}, truth={:7.4f}, value={:7.4f}, rel_err={:6.3f}'
      # print( fmt.format(fixed, truth, value, rel_err) )
      if abs(rel_err) >= 2e-1 :
         print( fmt.format(fixed, truth, value, rel_err) )
         print("random_seed = ",  random_seed)
         assert False
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 3: Simulate Data
# Step 4: Sample Posterior
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# obtain s1_1, ... , s1_N
N_str = str(number_sample)
   [ program, file_name, 'set', 'truth_var', 'fit_var' ]
   [ program, file_name, 'set', 'start_var', 'fit_var' ]
   [ program, file_name, 'set', 'scale_var', 'fit_var' ]
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'simulate', N_str ])
   [ program, file_name, 'sample', 'simulate', 'both', N_str ]
# check coverage of true values by posterior samples standard deviation
connection   = dismod_at.create_connection(
   file_name, new = False, readonly = True
sample_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'sample')
sample_array = numpy.zeros( (number_sample, n_var), dtype = numpy.double )
for sample_id in range( len(sample_table) ) :
   sample_index = sample_table[sample_id]['sample_index']
   var_id       = sample_table[sample_id]['var_id']
   var_value    = sample_table[sample_id]['var_value']
   assert sample_id == sample_index * n_var + var_id
   sample_array[sample_index, var_id] = var_value
sample_std  = numpy.std(sample_array, axis=0, ddof = 1)
for var_id in range(n_var) :
   var_type     = var_table[var_id]['var_type']
   age_id       = var_table[var_id]['age_id']
   node_id      = var_table[var_id]['node_id']
   covariate_id = var_table[var_id]['covariate_id']
   fit          = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   std          = sample_std[var_id] * (1.0 + gamma_fit_n1)
   if var_type == 'rate' :
      age  = age_table[age_id]['age']
      node = node_table[node_id]['node_name']
      if node == 'n1' :
         truth = iota_no_effect(age)
      else :
         truth = random_effect[node]
   elif var_type == 'mulcov_rate_value' :
      truth = alpha_true
   else :
      assert var_type == 'mulcov_meas_noise'
   if var_type != 'mulcov_meas_noise' :
      std_factor = abs( (fit - truth) ) / std
      fmt = 'truth={:7.4f}, fit={:7.4f}, std_factor={:6.3f}'
      # print( fmt.format(truth, fit, std_factor) )
      if std_factor > 3.0 :
         print( fmt.format(truth, fit, std_factor) )
         print("random_seed = ",  random_seed)
         assert False
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 5: Predictions For n11
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# obtain p11_1, p_11_2, ...
# and add prior_n11_age values to data base
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'predict', 'sample' ])
avgint_table    = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'avgint')
predict_table   = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'predict')
n_avgint        = len( avgint_table )
n_predict       = len( predict_table )
n_subset        = int( n_predict / number_sample )
assert n_predict == n_subset * number_sample
predict_array = numpy.zeros( (number_sample, n_avgint), dtype = numpy.double )
predict_found = n_avgint * [False]
for predict_id in range( n_predict ) :
   sample_index  = predict_table[predict_id]['sample_index']
   avgint_id     = predict_table[predict_id]['avgint_id']
   value         = predict_table[predict_id]['avg_integrand']
   predict_array[sample_index, avgint_id] = value
   predict_found[avgint_id] = True
predict_mean = numpy.mean(predict_array, axis=0)
predict_std  = numpy.std(predict_array, axis=0, ddof = 1)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 6: Priors for n11 as Parent
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create fit_n11.db starting from fit_n1.db
shutil.copyfile(file_name, 'fit_n11.db')
file_name = 'fit_n11.db'
connection       = dismod_at.create_connection(
   file_name, new = False, readonly = False
# get last id from certain tables
sqlcmd           = 'SELECT COUNT(prior_id) FROM prior'
result           = dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
prior_id         = sql_count_rows(connection, 'prior') - 1
smooth_id        = sql_count_rows(connection, 'smooth') - 1
smooth_grid_id   = sql_count_rows(connection, 'smooth_grid') - 1
sqlcmd      = 'SELECT density_id FROM density WHERE density_name=="uniform"'
result      = dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
uniform_id  = result[0][0]
sqlcmd      = 'SELECT density_id FROM density WHERE density_name=="gaussian"'
result      = dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
gaussian_id = result[0][0]
# add smooth_iota_n11
smooth_name = 'smooth_iota_n11'
n_age       = len( age_table )
smooth_id   = smooth_id + 1
sqlcmd  = 'INSERT INTO smooth \n'
sqlcmd += '(smooth_id, smooth_name, n_age, n_time) \n'
sqlcmd += 'VALUES (' + str(smooth_id) + ','
sqlcmd += '"' + smooth_name + '",'
sqlcmd += str( n_age ) + ','
sqlcmd += '1)'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
iota_smooth_id = smooth_id
# add smooth_alpha_n11
smooth_name = 'smooth_alpha_n11'
smooth_id   = smooth_id + 1
sqlcmd  = 'INSERT INTO smooth \n'
sqlcmd += '(smooth_id, smooth_name, n_age, n_time) \n'
sqlcmd += 'VALUES (' + str(smooth_id) + ','
sqlcmd += '"' + smooth_name + '",'
sqlcmd += '1,'
sqlcmd += '1)'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
alpha_smooth_id = smooth_id
# add prior_none
prior_name = 'prior_none'
prior_id   = prior_id + 1
sqlcmd     = 'INSERT INTO prior \n'
sqlcmd    += '(prior_id, prior_name, density_id, mean) \n'
sqlcmd    += 'VALUES (' + str(prior_id) + ','
sqlcmd    += '"' + prior_name + '",'
sqlcmd    += str(uniform_id) + ','
sqlcmd    += '0)'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
none_prior_id = smooth_id
# add new entries in prior and smooth_grid tables
assert len(age_table) == n_avgint - 1
for avgint_id in range( n_avgint ) :
   assert predict_found[avgint_id]
   age        = avgint_table[avgint_id]['age_lower']
   mean       = predict_mean[avgint_id]
   std        = (1.0 + gamma_fit_n1) * predict_std[avgint_id]
   # entry in prior table for alpha
   prior_id   = prior_id + 1
   prior_name = 'prior_alpha_n11'
   lower      = 'null'
   upper      = 'null'
   if avgint_id < len(age_table) :
      # entry in prior table for iota
      prior_name = 'prior_iota_n11_' + str(int(age))
      lower      = str( iota_no_effect(0) / 10.0 )
      upper      = str( iota_no_effect(100) * 10.0 )
   sqlcmd  = 'INSERT INTO prior \n'
   sqlcmd += '(prior_id, prior_name, density_id, mean, std, lower, upper)\n'
   sqlcmd += 'VALUES (' + str(prior_id) + ','
   sqlcmd += '"' + prior_name + '",'
   sqlcmd += str(gaussian_id) + ','
   sqlcmd += str( round(mean, 4) ) + ','
   sqlcmd += str( round(std, 5) ) + ','
   sqlcmd += lower + ','
   sqlcmd += upper + ')'
   dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
   # entry in smooth_grid table
   age_id          = 0
   time_id         = 0
   value_prior_id  = prior_id
   dage_prior_id   = none_prior_id
   tmp_smooth_id   = alpha_smooth_id
   if avgint_id < len(age_table) :
      assert age == age_table[avgint_id]['age']
      age_id        = avgint_id
      tmp_smooth_id = iota_smooth_id
   smooth_grid_id   = smooth_grid_id + 1
   sqlcmd  = 'INSERT INTO smooth_grid \n'
   sqlcmd += '(smooth_grid_id, smooth_id, age_id, time_id, '
   sqlcmd += 'value_prior_id, dage_prior_id) \n'
   sqlcmd += 'VALUES (' + str(smooth_grid_id) + ','
   sqlcmd += str(tmp_smooth_id) + ','
   sqlcmd += str(age_id) + ','
   sqlcmd += str(time_id) + ','
   sqlcmd += str(value_prior_id) + ','
   sqlcmd += str(dage_prior_id) + ')'
   dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
# change parent to be n11
sqlcmd  = 'UPDATE option SET option_value = "n11"'
sqlcmd += ' WHERE option_name == "parent_node_name"'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
# use smooth_iota_n11 for parent smoothing of iota
sqlcmd  = 'UPDATE rate SET parent_smooth_id = ' + str(iota_smooth_id)
sqlcmd += ' WHERE rate_name == "iota"'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
# use smooth_alpha_n11 for smoothing alpha
sqlcmd  = 'UPDATE mulcov SET group_smooth_id = ' + str(alpha_smooth_id)
sqlcmd += ' WHERE mulcov_type == "rate_value"'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
# change reference income
sqlcmd  = 'UPDATE covariate SET reference = ' + str(avg_income['n11'])
sqlcmd += ' WHERE covariate_name == "income"'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, sqlcmd)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 7: Fit With n11 as Parent
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# obtain e11, estimate of model variables with n11 as the parent node
dismod_at.system_command_prc( [ program, file_name, 'init' ] )
dismod_at.system_command_prc( [ program, file_name, 'fit', 'both' ] )
# check e11
var_table        = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
fit_var_table    = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
n_var            = len(var_table)
for var_id in range(n_var) :
   var_type     = var_table[var_id]['var_type']
   age_id       = var_table[var_id]['age_id']
   rate_id      = var_table[var_id]['rate_id']
   node_id      = var_table[var_id]['node_id']
   covariate_id = var_table[var_id]['covariate_id']
   value        = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   fixed        = True
   if var_type == 'rate' :
      age  = age_table[age_id]['age']
      node = node_table[node_id]['node_name']
      rate = rate_table[rate_id]['rate_name']
      assert rate == 'iota'
      if node == 'n11' :
         truth = avg_integrand(age, avg_income[node], node)
      else :
         truth = random_effect[node]
         fixed = False
   elif var_type == 'mulcov_rate_value' :
      truth = alpha_true
   if var_type != 'mulcov_meas_noise' :
      rel_err = (1.0 - value / truth)
      fmt     = 'fixed={}, truth={:7.4f}, value={:7.4f}, rel_err={:6.3f}'
      # print( fmt.format(fixed, truth, value, rel_err) )
      if abs(rel_err) >= 2e-1 :
         print( fmt.format(fixed, truth, value, rel_err) )
         print("random_seed = ",  random_seed)
         assert False
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print(' OK')