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Using Group Covariate Multipliers#

See Also# .


This example demonstrates using Group Covariate Multipliers .

True Value of Variables#

The values of the unknown variables that is used to simulate the data are

iota_true        = 0.05  # incidence rate
rho_true         = 0.10  # remission rate
mulcov_incidence = 1.0   # covariate multiplier for indicence data
mulcov_remission = 2.0;  # covariate multiplier for remission data


There are only two integrands in this example, Sincidence and remission .

Node Tables#

The node table for this example is

             /     \
north_america       south_america

Subgroup Table#

For this example there are two groups, north_america and south_america, and only one element in each group. Thus we use the same name for the subgroup as for the group.


There are two covariates in this example, income and sex . Both these covariates are scaled so their lowest value is -0.5 and highest value is +0.5.

Covariate Multipliers#

There are two covariate multipliers in this example. The first multiples income and effects the Sincidence measurements, but only in north_america. The second multiples sex and effects the remission measurements, but only in south_america. Both are group covariate multipliers and hence fixed effects.

Simulated Data#

The data is simulated using the true value for the variables, and the covariate effects mentioned above. No noise is added to the data, but it is modeled as having a ten percent coefficient of variation.

Rate Variables#

The rate variables define the functions iota and rho using bilinear interpolation of a rectangular grid. The grid’s minimum age and time is (0, 1995). Its maximum age and time is (100, 2015). Thus there are four iota variables and four rho variables. The value prior for both these variables is uniform with lower (upper) limit 0.001 (1.0). The mean is the true value of iota divided by 3. This mean effects the starting and scaling points during the optimization, but not the statistics (for a uniform). The difference priors for the rate variables are gaussian with mean zero and standard deviation 0.01.

Covariate Multipliers Variables#

The covariate multiplier functions for this example are constant. Hence there is one variable for each function. These are group covariate multipliers so there is only one function for each row of the mulcov_table (for which the group smoothing is not null); i.e., there are two group covariate multiplier variables. The first multiplies income and affects the measurement of Sincidence for north_america. The second multiplies sex and affects the measurement of remission for south_america. The prior for both these variables is uniform with lower (upper) limit -5.0 (+5.0). The mean is the true value of the incidence covariate multiplier divided by 3. This mean effects the starting and scaling points during the optimization, but not the statistics (for a uniform).

Source Code#

# BEGIN True values used to simulate data
iota_true        = 0.05  # incidence rate
rho_true         = 0.10  # remission rate
mulcov_incidence = 1.0   # covariate multiplier for indicence data
mulcov_remission = 2.0;  # covariate multiplier for remission data
# END True values used to simulate data
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
import os
import copy
import math
test_program = 'example/user/'
if sys.argv[0] != test_program  or len(sys.argv) != 1 :
   usage  = 'python3 ' + test_program + '\n'
   usage += 'where python3 is the python 3 program on your system\n'
   usage += 'and working directory is the dismod_at distribution directory\n'
# import dismod_at
local_dir = os.getcwd() + '/python'
if( os.path.isdir( local_dir + '/dismod_at' ) ) :
   sys.path.insert(0, local_dir)
import dismod_at
# change into the build/example/user directory
if not os.path.exists('build/example/user') :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note that the a, t values are not used for this example
def example_db (file_name) :
   def fun_rate_parent(a, t) :
      return ('prior_value_parent', 'prior_diff_parent', 'prior_diff_parent')
   def fun_mulcov(a, t) :
      return ('prior_mulcov', None, None)
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # age table
   age_list    = [    0.0, 50.0,    100.0 ]
   # time table
   time_list   = [ 1995.0, 2005.0, 2015.0 ]
   # integrand table
   integrand_table = [
      { 'name':'Sincidence' },
      { 'name':'remission' }
   # node table: world -> (north_america, south_america)
   node_table = [
      { 'name':'world',         'parent':'' },
      { 'name':'north_america', 'parent':'world' },
      { 'name':'south_america', 'parent':'world' },
   # subgroup_table
   subgroup_table = [
      { 'subgroup':'north_america', 'group':'north_america' },
      { 'subgroup':'south_america', 'group':'south_america' },
   # weight table:
   weight_table = list()
   # covariate table:
   covariate_table = [
      {'name':'income', 'reference':0.5},
      {'name':'sex',    'reference':0.0, 'max_difference':0.6}
   # mulcov table
   # income has been scaled the same as sex so man use same smoothing
   mulcov_table = [
      {  # income effects north american incidence
         'covariate': 'income',
         'type':      'meas_value',
         'effected':  'Sincidence',
         'group':     'world',
         'group':     'north_america',
         'smooth':    'smooth_mulcov'
      },{ # sex effects south american remission
         'covariate': 'sex',
         'type':      'meas_value',
         'effected':  'remission',
         'group':     'world',
         'group':     'south_america',
         'smooth':    'smooth_mulcov'
      },{ # example covariate that is not being used
         'covariate': 'income',
         'type':      'rate_value',
         'effected':  'rho',
         'group':     'world',
         'group':     'north_america',
         'smooth':    None # not used because smoothing is null
   # avgint table: empty
   avgint_table = list()
   # nslist_dict:
   nslist_dict = dict()
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # data table:
   data_table = list()
   # values that are the same for all data rows
   row = {
      'node':        'world',
      'subgroup':    'world',
      'density':     'gaussian',
      'weight':      '',
      'hold_out':     False,
      'time_lower':   1995.0,
      'time_upper':   1995.0,
      'age_lower':    0.0,
      'age_upper':    0.0
   # values that change between rows:
   income_reference = 0.5
   sex_reference    = 0.0
   n_data           = 4
   for data_id in range( n_data ) :
      if data_id % 4 == 0 or data_id % 4 == 1 :
         subgroup = 'north_america'
      else :
         subgroup = 'south_america'
      income      = data_id / float(n_data-1)
      sex         = ( data_id % 3 - 1.0 ) / 2.0
      integrand   = integrand_table[ data_id % 2 ]['name']
      if integrand == 'Sincidence' and subgroup == 'north_america' :
         effect      = (income - income_reference) * mulcov_incidence
         meas_value  = math.exp(effect) * iota_true
      elif integrand == 'remission' and subgroup == 'south_america' :
         effect      = (sex - sex_reference) * mulcov_remission
         meas_value  = math.exp(effect) * rho_true
      elif integrand == 'Sincidence' :
         meas_value = iota_true
      else :
         assert integrand == 'remission'
         meas_value = rho_true
      meas_std    = 0.1 * meas_value
      row['meas_value'] = meas_value
      row['meas_std']   = meas_std
      row['integrand']  = integrand
      row['income']     = income
      row['sex']        = sex
      row['subgroup']   = subgroup
      data_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # prior_table
   prior_table = [
      {  # prior_diff_parent
         'name':     'prior_diff_parent',
         'density':  'gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      0.01,
      },{ # prior_value_parent
         'name':     'prior_value_parent',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'lower':    0.001,
         'upper':    1.00,
         'mean':     iota_true / 3.0,
      },{ # prior_mulcov
         'name':     'prior_mulcov',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'lower':    -5.0,
         'upper':     5.0,
         'mean':     mulcov_incidence / 3.0
   assert -5.0 < mulcov_incidence and mulcov_incidence < +5.0
   assert -5.0 < mulcov_remission and mulcov_remission < +5.0
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # smooth table
   last_age_id    = len(age_list) - 1
   last_time_id   = len(time_list) - 1
   smooth_table = [
      { # smooth_rate_parent
         'name':                     'smooth_rate_parent',
         'age_id':                   [ 0, last_age_id ],
         'time_id':                  [ 0, last_time_id ],
         'fun':                       fun_rate_parent
      },{ # smooth_mulcov
         'name':                     'smooth_mulcov',
         'age_id':                   [ 0 ],
         'time_id':                  [ 0 ],
         'fun':                       fun_mulcov
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # rate table
   rate_table = [
         'name':          'iota',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_rate_parent',
         'child_smooth':  None,
         'name':          'rho',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_rate_parent',
         'child_smooth':  None,
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # option_table
   option_table = [
      { 'name':'parent_node_name',       'value':'world'        },
      { 'name':'ode_step_size',          'value':'10.0'         },
      { 'name':'random_seed',            'value':'0'            },
      { 'name':'rate_case',              'value':'iota_pos_rho_pos' },

      { 'name':'quasi_fixed',            'value':'true'         },
      { 'name':'derivative_test_fixed',  'value':'first-order'  },
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_fixed',     'value':'100'          },
      { 'name':'print_level_fixed',      'value':'0'            },
      { 'name':'tolerance_fixed',        'value':'1e-8'         },

      { 'name':'derivative_test_random', 'value':'second-order' },
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_random',    'value':'100'          },
      { 'name':'print_level_random',     'value':'0'            },
      { 'name':'tolerance_random',       'value':'1e-10'        }
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # create database
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================
file_name = 'example.db'
program = '../../devel/dismod_at'
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'init' ])
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'fit', 'fixed' ])
# connect to database
connection      = dismod_at.create_connection(
   file_name, new = False, readonly = True
# Results for fit fixed command
var_table     = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
fit_var_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
# parent node and tolerance
parent_node_id = 0
tol            = 5e-7
# check rate fixed effects
count             = 0
iota_rate_id      = 1
remission_rate_id = 2
for var_id in range( len(var_table) ) :
   row   = var_table[var_id]
   value = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   rate_fixed_effect = row['node_id'] == parent_node_id
   rate_fixed_effect = rate_fixed_effect and row['var_type'] == 'rate'
   if rate_fixed_effect and row['rate_id'] == iota_rate_id :
      count += 1
      assert abs( value / iota_true - 1.0 ) < tol
   if rate_fixed_effect and row['rate_id'] == remission_rate_id :
      count += 1
      assert abs( value / rho_true - 1.0 ) < 5.0 * tol
assert count == 8
# check covariate multiplier values
count                   = 0
Sincidence_integrand_id = 0
remission_integrand_id  = 1
for var_id in range( len(var_table) ) :
   row   = var_table[var_id]
   value = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   mulcov_var = row['var_type'] == 'mulcov_meas_value'
   if mulcov_var and row['integrand_id'] == Sincidence_integrand_id :
      count  += 1
      assert abs( value / mulcov_incidence - 1.0 ) < tol
   if mulcov_var and row['integrand_id'] == remission_integrand_id :
      count  += 1
      assert abs( value / mulcov_remission - 1.0 ) < tol
assert count == 2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print(' OK')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------