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Directly Setting Table Values#


dismod_at database set option name value
dismod_at database set avgint data
dismod_at database set table_out source
dismod_at database set table_out source sample_index


Is an database containing the dismod_at input tables which are not modified.


This documentation is for the case where option follows set .


Is the name of the option we are setting. It must be a valid option_name .


Is the new option_value for the specified option name. If value is the empty string, null is used for the corresponding value in the database; see Text can be Null, not Empty .


The set option commands does not require the init to be run first. In addition, if option_name is not parent_node_id , the model_variables do not change and you do not have to re-run the init_command .


This documentation is for the case where avgint follows set . In this case data must follow avgint and the avgint_table is set to be equal to the data_table . The only difference is that the column name data_id in the data table has column name avgint_id in the avgint table.


The table_out cases set the values in table_out using the values specified by source . If this table exists before the command, the values originally in the table are lost.


If table_out is start_var , the start_var table is created. Note that this table may also be created directly by the user (with the aid of the var_table ).


If table_out is scale_var , the scale_var table is created. Note that this table may also be created directly by the user (with the aid of the var_table ).


If table_out is truth_var , the truth_var table is created. Note that this table may also be created directly by the user (with the aid of the var_table ).


The set command source must be one of the possibilities listed below (and not be the same as table_out ). Only the case where source is sample has the extra argument sample_index .


If source is sample , sample_index must be present. In this case the model_variables in the sample table, and corresponding to the specified sample index, are used for the values in table_out .


If source is prior_mean , the mean of the priors is used for the values in table_out .


If source is fit_var , the results of the previous fit is used for the values in table_out .

start, scale, truth#

If source is start_var , scale_var , or truth_var , the contents of this table are copied to table_out .


The files and contains examples and tests using this command.