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Plot The Data Fit By Integrand#


# n_fit_dict = plot_data_fit(
   database          = None,
   pdf_file          = None,
   plot_title        = None,
   max_plot          = None,
   integrand_list    = None,
# )


This str is the file name for an existing dismod_at database that contains the results of a fit_command . This argument can’t be None .


This str is the location where the pdf file containing the plot will be placed. This argument can’t be None .


This str is extra text printed at the beginning of the title for each plot. If this argument is None , there is no extra text.


This is a int specifying the maximum number of points to plot per integrand. If this argument is less that the number of values for an integrand, the values are randomly sub-sampled keeping the same order. The x-axis (data index) is the original index value before sub-sampling. If this argument is None no sub-sampling is done.


Each element of this list is a str containing an integrand_name that we are plotting the fit for. If this argument is None all of the integrands, except those with names that begin with mulcov_ , are included.


This is a dictionary with keys that are the integrand names in integrand_list . (If integrand_list is None , the keys are all the integrand names that do not begin with mulcov_ .) The value n_fit_dict [ key ] is the number of rows in the data_subset_table that correspond to this integrand and are not held out in the data table (see below). If this is less than 2, the corresponding integrand is not plotted.

Plot Legend#

Data Table Hold Out#

We use data table hold out to refer to values that have hold_out equal to one in the data table. This does not include hold outs created by the hold out command or hold outs created by the hold option. The data table hold out values are not included during the automatic choice of the plotting limits.

Point Symbol#

Values that are within the automatically chosen plotting limits are plotted using the point character . .

Plus Symbol#

Values that are outside the automatically chosen plotting limits are plotted using the point plus character + .


Values that correspond to data that is held out in the data table are plotted using the color green.

Red and Black#

Values that correspond to data that is not held out in the data table, and is not within (is within) the automatically chosen limits, are plotted using the color red (black).

Example# .