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The mulcov Table: Covariate Multipliers#


This table specifies the covariate multipliers and their priors. If this table is empty, there are no covariate multipliers in the model. This table has the following columns


This column has type integer and is its value is the primary key for this table. Its initial value is zero, and it increments by one for each row.


This column has type text . The possible values are:


This covariate multiplier adjusts a rate in the average integrand calculation; see alpha . A separate solution of the Ordinary Differential Equation is required for each cohort and each measurement, that has values not equal to the reference for the covariate specified by covariate_id . In other words, measurements that have the reference value for all the rate covariates do not add as much to the computational load.


This covariate multiplier adjusts the average integrand to match the measurement value ; see beta .


This covariate multiplier adjusts the measurement noise; see gamma_j .


This column has type integer . If mulcov_type is rate_value , rate_id is the rate_id that determines the rate that this covariate and multiplier effects. If mulcov_type is meas_value or meas_noise , this column must be null .


This column has type integer . If mulcov_type is rate_value , this column should be null . If mulcov_type is meas_value or meas_noise , integrand_id is the integrand_id that determines which measurement integrand this multiplier effects. The corresponding integrand cannot be a covariate multiplier; see mulcov_ mulcov_id below integrand_name .


This column has type integer and is a covariate_id in the covariate table. This specifies the covariate column in the data_table that this multiplier acts on.


This column has type integer and is a group_id . There is a fixed effect covariate multiplier for all the data that has a subgroup_id that corresponds to this group id. This covariate only affects the average integrand for data points in this group; see group_id . The group_id cannot be null.


This column has type integer and its value is a smooth_id in the smooth_grid table. This smoothing is the prior for the fixed effects corresponding to this covariate multiplier. If the group_smooth_id is null , these fixed effects are always zero and no model_variables are allocated for them.


If group_smooth_id is not null, mulcov_type is rate_value , and rate_id corresponds to rate_name pini , group_smooth_id must correspond to n_age equal to one (because age will have no effect for this covariate multiplier).


This column has type integer and its value is a smooth_id in the smooth_grid table. This smoothing is the prior for the random effects corresponding to this covariate multiplier. If the subgroup_smooth_id is null , these random effects are always zero and no model_variables are allocated for them.


If mulcov_type is meas_noise , subgroup_smooth_id must be null.


If subgroup_smooth_is is not null, mulcov_type is rate_value and rate_id corresponds to rate_name pini , subgroup_smooth_id must correspond to n_age equal to one (because age will have no effect for these covariate multipliers).


The file contains an example covariate table.