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Fitting One Function of Two Variables#


This example shows how to fit one function of two variables given direct measurements of the function. For our example, we are give measurements of prevalence, as a function of age and time, and fit a function to the measurements.


We use rho as a surrogate for prevalence because our model for prevalence does not use rho (we could have used any other rate and its corresponding integrand).

Random Effects#

To keep this example simple, there is only one node world in the node_table , and the subgroup_smooth_id is null in the mulcov_table. Hence, there are not random effects in this example.


Income is the only covariate for this example and it has been normalized to be between zero and one. The income reference value corresponds to no effect. The income multiplier is the true value used to simulate the data.

income_reference   =   0.5
income_multiplier  = - 0.2
income_mulcov_type = "meas_value"

The income_mulcov_type can be either "meas_value" or "rate_value" . It should not make a difference in the results which mulcov_type is used because there is only one rate (one function) being fit, and the ODE is not needed to compute the integrand. You can test this by changing income_mulcov_type to "rate_value" and uses the same random_seed .

Simulated Data#

Data Density#

A direct measurement of rho (which we are using to represent prevalence) corresponds to the remission integrand . We use a log_gaussian model with the following parameters:

prevalence_delta  = 0.1
prevalence_eta    = 1e-6

True Prevalence#

For simulating our prevalence data we consider the case where all the rates are constant and rho , chi are zero; i.e., the differential equation is

\begin{eqnarray} S'(a) = -( \iota + \omega ) S(a) \\ C'(a) = + \iota S(a) - \omega C(a) \end{eqnarray}

where \(S(0) = 1\) and \(C(0) = 0\). It follows that

\[S(a) = \exp[ - ( \iota + \omega ) a ]\]
\[C(a) = \int_0^a \exp[ \omega (s - a) ] \iota S(s) ds\]

You can check the formula for \(C(a)\) as follows: differentiating w.r.t. \(a\) inside the integral yields \(- \omega C(a)\) and differentiating the upper limit w.r.t. \(a\) yields \(\iota S(a)\). It follows that

\[C(a) = \iota \int_0^a \exp[ \omega (s - a) - ( \iota + \omega) s ] ds\]
\[C(a) = \iota \exp( - \omega a) \int_0^a \exp( - \iota s ) ds\]
\[C(a) = \exp( - \omega a) - \exp[ - ( \iota + \omega) a ]\]
def Prevalence(age) :
   # rho and chi are zero for this simulation of prevalence data
   iota      = 1e-4 # incidence used to simulate prevalence data
   omega     = 1e-2 # other cause mortality used to simulate prevalence data
   exp_omega = exp(-omega * age)
   exp_sum   = exp(-(iota + omega) * age)
   S         = exp_sum
   C         = exp_omega - exp_sum
   return C / (S + C)

Computing Delta#

Once we have simulated a measurement value, we can solve for \(\Delta\) are follows; see delta :

\[\delta = \log( y + \eta + \Delta ) - \log(y + \eta )\]
\[\exp ( \delta ) = \frac{ y + \eta + \Delta }{ y + \eta }\]
\[\exp ( \delta ) ( y + \eta ) = y + \eta + \Delta\]
\[\Delta = [ \exp ( \delta ) - 1 ] ( y + \eta )\]

For this case there are no measurement noise covariates so \(\delta\) is the standard deviation for the simulated data. Furthermore, the minimum_meas_cv is zero, so \(\Delta\) is the meas_std .

Prevalence Prior#

Prevalence must always be between zero and one so this limits are used in the prior for prevalence. Some functions might allow for negative values and the lower limit for the rate would be negative in that case.


We use the clock to choose a seed for the random number generator. If an error occurs, the seed will be printed so that the error can be reproduced. You can also use a fixed value for the random seed to see how changing other parameters changes the results.

import time
random_seed = int( time.time() )

Source Code#

import random
from math import exp
import sys
import os
import copy
test_program = 'example/user/'
if sys.argv[0] != test_program  or len(sys.argv) != 1 :
   usage  = 'python3 ' + test_program + '\n'
   usage += 'where python3 is the python 3 program on your system\n'
   usage += 'and working directory is the dismod_at distribution directory\n'
# import dismod_at
local_dir = os.getcwd() + '/python'
if( os.path.isdir( local_dir + '/dismod_at' ) ) :
   sys.path.insert(0, local_dir)
import dismod_at
# change into the build/example/user directory
if not os.path.exists('build/example/user') :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def example_db (file_name) :
   def fun_prevalence(a, t) :
      return ('prior_prevalence', 'prior_dage', 'prior_dtime')
   def fun_mulcov(a, t):
      return('prior_mulcov', None, None)
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # age table:
   age_list    = [ 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, 100.0 ]
   # time table:
   time_list   = [ 1990.0, 2200.0 ]
   # integrand table:
   integrand_table = [ { 'name':'remission' } ]
   # node table:
   node_table = [ { 'name':'world', 'parent':'' } ]
   # weight table:
   weight_table = list()
   # covariate table:
   covariate_table = [ {'name':'income', 'reference':income_reference} ]
   # mulcov table:
   if income_mulcov_type == 'rate_value' :
      effected = 'rho'
   else :
      assert income_mulcov_type == 'meas_value'
      effected = 'remission'
   mulcov_table = [
         'covariate': 'income',
         'type':      income_mulcov_type,
         'effected':  effected,
         'group':     'world',
         'smooth':    'smooth_mulcov'
   # avgint table: empty
   avgint_table = list()
   # nslist_dict:
   nslist_dict = dict()
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # data table:
   data_table = list()
   # values that are the same for all data rows
   row = {
      'node':        'world',
      'subgroup':    'world',
      'integrand':   'remission',
      'density':     'log_gaussian',
      'weight':      '',
      'hold_out':     False,
      'time_lower':   2000.,
      'time_upper':   2000.,
      'eta':          prevalence_eta
   n_data   = 2000
   n_income = 30
   for data_id in range(n_data) :
      age           = 100.0 * data_id / float(n_data - 1)
      income        = (data_id % n_income)  / float(n_income - 1)
      income_effect = (income - income_reference) * income_multiplier
      eta           = prevalence_eta
      delta         = prevalence_delta
      log_noise     = random.gauss(0, delta)
      y             = exp(log_noise) * Prevalence(age) * exp(income_effect)
      Delta         = ( exp(delta) - 1 ) * ( y + eta )
      row['age_lower']  = age
      row['age_upper']  = age
      row['income']     = income
      row['meas_value'] = y
      row['meas_std']   = Delta
      data_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # prior_table
   prior_table = [
      { # prior_prevalence
         'name':     'prior_prevalence',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'lower':    0.0,
         'upper':    1.0,
         'mean':     0.01,
      },{ # prior_dage
         'name':     'prior_dage',
         'density':  'log_gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      2.0,
         'eta':      prevalence_eta,
      },{ # prior_dtime
         'name':     'prior_dtime',
         'density':  'log_gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      0.1,
         'eta':      prevalence_eta,
      }, { # prior_mulcov
         'name':     'prior_mulcov',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'lower':    -2.0,
         'upper':    +2.0,
         'mean':     0.0,
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # smooth table
   smooth_table = list()
   name    = 'smooth_prevalence'
   fun     = fun_prevalence
   age_id  = range( len(age_list) )
   time_id = range( len(time_list) )
      {'name':name, 'age_id':age_id, 'time_id':time_id, 'fun':fun }
   name = 'smooth_mulcov'
   fun  = fun_mulcov
      {'name':name, 'age_id':[0], 'time_id':[0], 'fun':fun }
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # rate table:
   rate_table = [
      {  'name':          'rho',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_prevalence',
         'child_smooth':  None,
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # option_table
   option_table = [
      { 'name':'rate_case',              'value':'no_ode'       },
      { 'name':'parent_node_name',       'value':'world'        },
      { 'name':'ode_step_size',          'value':'5.0'          },
      { 'name':'random_seed',            'value':random_seed    },

      { 'name':'quasi_fixed',            'value':'false'        },
      { 'name':'derivative_test_fixed',  'value':'first-order'  },
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_fixed',     'value':'100'          },
      { 'name':'print_level_fixed',      'value':'0'            },
      { 'name':'tolerance_fixed',        'value':'1e-8'         },

      { 'name':'derivative_test_random', 'value':'second-order' },
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_random',    'value':'100'          },
      { 'name':'print_level_random',     'value':'0'            },
      { 'name':'tolerance_random',       'value':'1e-8'         }
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # subgroup_table
   subgroup_table = [ { 'subgroup':'world', 'group':'world' } ]
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # create database
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================
# create database
file_name = 'example.db'
# fun a fit
program = '../../devel/dismod_at'
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'init' ])
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'fit', 'both' ])
# read database
connection    = dismod_at.create_connection(
   file_name, new = False, readonly = True
var_table     = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
fit_var_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
age_table     = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'age')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# check fit results
for var_id in range( len(var_table) ) :
   fit_var_value = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   var_type      = var_table[var_id]['var_type']
   true_value    = None
   if var_type == 'mulcov_' + income_mulcov_type :
      true_value = income_multiplier
   else :
      assert var_type == 'rate'
      age_id     = var_table[var_id]['age_id']
      age        = age_table[age_id]['age']
      true_value = Prevalence(age)
   if true_value > 10.0 * prevalence_eta  :
      rel_error = fit_var_value / true_value - 1.0
   else :
      rel_error = fit_var_value - true_value
   if abs(rel_error) > 0.05 :
      print('fit_var_value = ', var_fit_value)
      print('true_value    = ', true_value)
      print('random_seed   = ', random_seed)
   assert abs(rel_error) < 0.05
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print(' OK')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------