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Scaling Fixed Effects Objective and Constraints#


The fixed effects are scaled using the eta in the corresponding priors; see scaling . The fixed effects objective and constraints are scaled using their values at the model_variables corresponding to the scale_var table. The init_command creates a scale_var table using the mean of the priors for the model variables values. The set_command can also be used to change the start_var table. This table may also be created directly by the user (with the aid of the var_table ).


This column has type integer and is the primary key for this table. Its initial value is zero, and it increments by one for each row. The scale_var_id column is also a foreign key for the var_table ; i.e.,

var_id = scale_var_id

In addition, the size of both tables is the same.


The column has type real and is the value of the model_variables used to scale the likelihood function during the fit_command . To be specific, the fixed effects objective function is scaled so that its derivative is order one at this value of the model variables. The random effects objective is not currently scaled and so that value of the random effects does not matter (currently).


See the example and test.