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The Data Subset Table#


This column has type integer and is the primary key for this table. Its initial value is zero, and it increments by one for each row.


This column has type integer and is a data_id in the data table. These values are unique and monotone increasing with data_subset_id . This column identifies which rows of the data_table are included in the fit_data_subset_table . This is defined by the set of rows in the data table such that the following conditions hold:


The node is the Parent Node or a Descendant of the parent node.


All of the Covariates satisfy the max_difference criteria.


This column has type integer . If the value in this column is zero (one), the corresponding data is (is not) included in subsequent fits. The init_command initializes this column as zero. The hold_out_command can be used to randomly choose non-zero entries in this column. This column is set to zero by the init_command .


This column has type integer . It specifies which density is used for the corresponding data. The init_command set it to be the same as the corresponding density_id in the data table.


This column has type real . It specifies the value of eta used for the corresponding data. The init_command set it to be the same as the corresponding eta in the data table.


This column has type integer . It specifies the value of sample_size used for the corresponding data. The init_command set it to be the same as the corresponding sample_size in the data table.


This column has type real . It specifies the value of nu used for the corresponding data. The init_command set it to be the same as the corresponding nu in the data table.


See example and test.