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An Example Fitting Simulated Diabetes Data#

This example fits iota and chi using only prevalence and mtspecific data. It is designed so that you are changed the setting documented below. See Run One Example for instruction on running this example.


This integer is used to seed the random number generator. If it is zero, the current number of seconds on the system clock is used.

random_seed = 0

age_list, time_list#

These are the ages and times at which we simulate the data. They are also the ages and times where we model iota and chi.

age_list  = [ 0.0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 ]
time_list = [ 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 ]


This integer is the number of nodes. If it is one, there are no child nodes (hence no random effects). Otherwise, there are number_nodes - 1 child nodes.

number_nodes = 10


If there are child nodes, the random effect for each node is simulated using a Gaussian with this standard deviation. For each child node, the same random effect is used for both iota and chi.

sim_std_random_effect = 0.2


This python dictionary contains the covariate multiplier values used to simulate the data. In this example, there is one covariate multiplier for each covariate, so we use the covariate names to identify the multipliers:

sim_mulcov = { 'sex':0.4, 'bmi':0.02, 'ms_2000':0.3  }


Covariate Value



(female=-0.5) (male=0.5)



body mass index



1 (0) if year is (is not) 2000



This is the value used to simulate the no effect rates; i.e., the rates before the random effects and covariate effects are included. The dismod_at model for iota, chi and omega are constant with respect to age and time outside the grid limits for the corresponding rate. The last age is not included in the iota age grid because there is no prevalence data after it. Hence iota is constant for ages after the next to last age. The first age is not included in the chi age grid because prevalence is zero at that age (and mtspecific does not inform chi). Hence chi is constant for ages before the second age.

def sim_no_effect_rate(rate_name, age, time) :
   time     = min( time_list[-1], max(time_list[0], age) )
   age_exp  = - abs(age - 50.0) / 100.00
   time_exp = - abs(time - 2000.0) / 40.0
   if rate_name == 'iota' :
      age  = min( age_list[-2], max(age_list[0], age) )
      rate = 0.001 * ( 1.0 + math.exp(age_exp) + math.exp(time_exp) )
   elif rate_name == 'chi' :
      # chi is currently constant so age does not matter, but we set it here
      # incase you change that.
      age  = min( age_list[-1], max(age_list[1], age) )
      rate = 0.02
   elif rate_name == 'omega' :
      # For this example, omega must be constant for all age and time
      # (the value of omega does not affect prevalence or mtspecific).
      rate = 0.01
   else :
      rate = None
      assert False
   return rate


The measurements are simulated without noise, but the model has this level of measurement nose (express as a coefficient of variation):

model_meas_cv = 0.1


In this model, initial prevalence is zero. Hence a coefficient of variation model for the measurement noise does not work at age zero. We use a minimum prevalence standard deviation to avoid this problem:

minimum_prevalence_std = 1e-4


This is the option table ode_step_size value.

ode_step_size = 5.0


This is the hold out command max_fit value. It is used to hold out prevalence and mtspecific data.

hold_out_max_fit = 250


This is a bound on the relative error in the fixed effects estimates. If the relative error is greater that this for a fixed effect, a message that identifies the fixed effect and the relative error is printed and this program will exit with a non-zero error flag.

fixed_effect_rel_error_bnd = 0.1



This prior is used for the value of iota and chi, for the parent node, at each of the grid points in the corresponding smoothings. Note that omega is constrained to the value used for it during simulation. Also note that eta does not affect the density but it does affect the Scaling Fixed Effects .

parent_rate_value_prior = {
   'density': 'gaussian',
   'mean':    0.01,
   'std':     1.0,
   'lower':   1e-6,
   'upper':   1.0,
   'eta':     1e-6,


This prior is used for the log of iota and chi for the child nodes. These are random effects and are constant w.r.t. age, time; i.e., there is only one grid point (one variable) for each node and each rate (iota and chi) .

child_rate_value_prior = {
   'density': 'gaussian',
   'mean':    0.0,
   'std':     0.1,


This is the prior used for the forward difference (w.r.t. age and time) of the value of iota and chi between grid points.

difference_prior = {
   'density': 'log_gaussian',
   'mean':    0.0,
   'std':     0.4,
   'eta':     1e-6,


This is the value prior used for each of the covariate multipliers. These are fixed effects and are constant w.r.t age, time. The mean does not affect the density and is used as a starting point for the first optimization. (The first optimization is just w.r.t the fixed effects and is used to get a starting point for optimization w.r.t. both the fixed and random effects.)

mulcov_prior = {
   'density': 'uniform',
   'mean':    0.0,

Source Code#

# random_seed
if random_seed == 0 :
   random_seed = int( time.time() )
# random_effect_sim
# In this example, the random effects are the same iota and chi.
# Note that index zero corresponds to the parent node and has no random effect.
random_effect_sim = [ 0.0 ]
for i in range(number_nodes-1) :
   random_effect = sim_std_random_effect * random.gauss(mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0)
   random_effect_sim.append( random_effect )
# rate_true
# Assume all covariates are relative to their referece values
def rate_true(rate_name, age, time, node_index, sex, bmi) :
   rate   = sim_no_effect_rate(rate_name, age, time)
   effect = random_effect_sim[node_index]
   if rate_name == 'iota' :
      effect += sim_mulcov['bmi'] * bmi
   elif rate_name == 'chi' :
      effect += sim_mulcov['sex'] * sex
   elif rate_name == 'omega' :
      effect += 0.0
   else :
      assert False
   rate = rate * math.exp( effect )
   return rate
# eample_db
def example_db(file_name) :
   # sex_dict
   sex_dict = { 'female' : -0.5 , 'male' : +0.5 }
   # integrand_table
   integrand_table = integrand_table = [
      { 'name':'mtspecific' },
      { 'name':'prevalence' }
   # node_table
   node_table = list()
   for i in range( number_nodes ) :
      name = f'n{i}'
      parent = '' if i == 0 else 'n0'
      node_table.append( { 'name' : name, 'parent' : parent } )
   # subgroup_table
   subgroup_table = [ { 'subgroup':'world', 'group':'world' } ]
   # bmi_lower, bmi_upper, bmi_average
   bmi_lower   = 17.0
   bmi_upper   = 35.0
   bmi_average = (bmi_lower + bmi_upper) / 2.0
   # covariate table:
   covariate_table = [
      {'name':'sex',     'reference':0.0,         'max_difference':0.6  } ,
      {'name':'bmi',     'reference':bmi_average, 'max_difference':None } ,
      {'name':'ms_2000', 'reference':0.0,         'max_difference':None } ,
   # integrand_list
   integrand_list = list()
   for row in integrand_table :
      integrand_list.append( row['name'] )
   # random_effect
   node_list = list()
   for row in node_table :
      node_list.append( row['name'] )
   # data_table
   data_table   = list()
   # integrand_name, age, time, node_name, sex_name
   # Skip first age because prevalence and mtspecific are zero for that age.
   for integrand_name in integrand_list :
      for age in age_list[1:] :
         for time in time_list :
            for node_index in range(number_nodes) :
               for sex_name in sex_dict :
                  # node_name
                  node_name = node_list[node_index]
                  # sex
                  sex = sex_dict[sex_name]
                  # ms_2000
                  ms_2000 = 1 if time == 2000 else 0
                  # bmi
                  bmi = random.uniform(bmi_lower, bmi_upper)
                  # rate_fun
                  rate_fun  = dict()
                  relative_bmi = bmi - bmi_average
                  rate_fun['iota'] = lambda age, time : rate_true(
                     'iota', age, time, node_index, sex, relative_bmi
                  rate_fun['chi'] = lambda age, time : rate_true(
                     'chi', age, time, node_index, sex, relative_bmi
                  rate_fun['omega'] = lambda age, time : rate_true(
                     'omega', age, time, node_index, sex, relative_bmi
                  # meas_mean
                  if age == 0.0 :
                     meas_mean = 0
                  else :
                     # grid
                     grid         = dict()
                     grid['age']  = [ age ]
                     grid['time'] = [ time ]
                     # abs_tol
                     abs_tol = 1e-7
                     # meas_mean
                     meas_mean = dismod_at.average_integrand(
                        rate_fun, integrand_name, grid, abs_tol
                     if integrand_name == 'prevalence' :
                        effect    = ms_2000 * sim_mulcov['ms_2000']
                        meas_mean = meas_mean * math.exp(effect)
                  # meas_std
                  meas_std = meas_mean * model_meas_cv
                  min_std  = minimum_prevalence_std
                  if integrand_name == 'mtspecific' :
                     age_mid  = (age_list[0] + age_list[-1]) / 2.0
                     time_mid = (time_list[0] + time_list[-1]) / 2.0
                     chi_mid  = sim_no_effect_rate('chi', age_mid, time_mid)
                     min_std  = minimum_prevalence_std * chi_mid
                  meas_std = max(meas_std, min_std)
                  # data_table
                  row = {
                     # avgint columns
                     'integrand':   integrand_name,
                     'node':        node_name,
                     'subgroup':    'world',
                     'density':     'gaussian',
                     'weight':      '',
                     'age_lower':    age,
                     'age_upper':    age,
                     'time_lower':   time,
                     'time_upper':   time,
                     'sex':          sex,
                     'ms_2000':      ms_2000,
                     'bmi':          bmi,
                     # other columns
                     'hold_out':      0,
                     'density':       'gaussian',
                     'meas_value':    meas_mean,
                     'meas_std':      meas_std,
   # prior_table
   parent_rate_value_prior['name'] = 'parent_rate_value_prior'
   child_rate_value_prior['name']  = 'child_rate_value_prior'
   difference_prior['name']        = 'difference_prior'
   mulcov_prior['name']            = 'mulcov_prior'
   prior_table = list()
   prior_table.append( parent_rate_value_prior )
   prior_table.append( child_rate_value_prior )
   prior_table.append( difference_prior )
   prior_table.append( mulcov_prior )
   # prior_fun
   omega_0_0 = sim_no_effect_rate('omega', 0.0, 0.0)
   prior_fun = dict()
   prior_fun['parent'] = lambda age, time : \
      ('parent_rate_value_prior', 'difference_prior', 'difference_prior')
   prior_fun['child'] = lambda age, time : \
      ('child_rate_value_prior', None, None)
   prior_fun['mulcov'] = lambda age, time : \
      ('mulcov_prior', None, None)
   prior_fun['omega'] = lambda age, time : \
      (omega_0_0, None, None)
   # age_id_list, time_id_list
   age_id_list  = list( range( len(age_list) ) )
   time_id_list = list( range( len(time_list) ) )
   # smooth_table
   smooth_table = [ {
         # smooth_omega
         'name':     'smooth_omega',
         'age_id':   [0],
         'time_id':  [0],
         'fun':      prior_fun['omega']
         # smooth_parent_iota
         'name':     'smooth_parent_iota',
         'age_id':   age_id_list[: -1],
         'time_id':  time_id_list,
         'fun':      prior_fun['parent']
         # smooth_parent_chi
         'name':     'smooth_parent_chi',
         'age_id':   age_id_list[1 :],
         'time_id':  time_id_list,
         'fun':      prior_fun['parent']
         # smooth_child
         'name':     'smooth_child',
         'age_id':   [0],
         'time_id':  [0],
         'fun':      prior_fun['child']
         # smooth_mulcov
         'name':     'smooth_mulcov',
         'age_id':   [0],
         'time_id':  [0],
         'fun':      prior_fun['mulcov']
   } ]
   # rate_table
   rate_table = [ {
         'name':           'iota',
         'parent_smooth':  'smooth_parent_iota',
         'child_smooth':   'smooth_child',
         'child_nslist':   None,
         'name':           'chi',
         'parent_smooth':  'smooth_parent_chi',
         'child_smooth':   'smooth_child',
         'child_nslist':   None,
         'name':           'omega',
         'parent_smooth':  'smooth_omega',
         'child_smooth':   None,
         'child_nslist':   None,
   } ]
   # mulcov_table
   mulcov_table = [ {
      'covariate':     'sex',
      'type':          'rate_value',
      'effected':      'chi',
      'group':         'world',
      'smooth':        'smooth_mulcov',
      'covariate':     'bmi',
      'type':          'rate_value',
      'effected':      'iota',
      'group':         'world',
      'smooth':        'smooth_mulcov',
      'covariate':     'ms_2000',
      'type':          'meas_value',
      'effected':      'prevalence',
      'group':         'world',
      'smooth':        'smooth_mulcov',
   } ]
   # option_table
   option_table = [
      { 'name':'rate_case',              'value':'iota_pos_rho_zero'    },
      { 'name':'parent_node_name',       'value':'n0'                   },
      { 'name':'ode_step_size',          'value':str(ode_step_size)     },
      { 'name':'random_seed',            'value':str(random_seed)       },
      { 'name':'bound_random',           'value':'1.0'                  },

      { 'name':'quasi_fixed',            'value':'false'                },
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_fixed',     'value':'50'                   },
      { 'name':'print_level_fixed',      'value':'5'                    },
      { 'name':'tolerance_fixed',        'value':'1e-4'                 },

      { 'name':'max_num_iter_random',    'value':'50'                   },
      { 'name':'print_level_random',     'value':'0'                    },
      { 'name':'tolerance_random',       'value':'1e-8'                 },
   # create_database
      file_name       = file_name,
      age_list        = age_list,
      time_list       = time_list,
      integrand_table = integrand_table,
      node_table      = node_table,
      subgroup_table  = subgroup_table,
      weight_table    = list(),
      covariate_table = covariate_table,
      avgint_table    = list(),
      data_table      = data_table,
      prior_table     = prior_table,
      smooth_table    = smooth_table,
      nslist_dict     = dict(),
      rate_table      = rate_table,
      mulcov_table    = mulcov_table,
      option_table    = option_table,
      rate_eff_cov_table  = list(),
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# file_nanme
file_name = 'example.db'
# program
program = '../../devel/dismod_at'
# init
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'init' ])
# hold_out
for integrand_name in [ 'prevalence', 'mtspecific' ] :
   str_max_fit = str( hold_out_max_fit )
      [ program, file_name, 'hold_out', integrand_name, str_max_fit ]
if True :
   # fit fixed
   dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'fit', 'fixed' ])
   # start_var table
      [ program, file_name, 'set', 'start_var', 'fit_var' ]
# fit both
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'fit', 'both' ])
# rate_table, var_table, fit_var_table, covariate_table
connection = dismod_at.create_connection(
   file_name, new = False, readonly = True
rate_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'rate')
var_table        = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
fit_var_table    = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
covariate_table  = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'covariate')
# max_rel_error, truth_var_list
max_rel_error = 0.0
truth_var_list  = list()
# var_id, row
for (var_id, row) in enumerate(var_table) :
   # fixed_effect, sim_var_value, rel_error
   fit_var_value = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   var_type      = row['var_type']
   if var_type == 'rate' :
      rate_name     = rate_table[ row['rate_id'] ]['rate_name']
      node_id       = row['node_id']
      age           = age_list[ row['age_id'] ]
      time          = time_list[ row['time_id'] ]
      if node_id == 0 :
         fixed_effect  = True
         sim_var_value = sim_no_effect_rate(rate_name, age, time)
         rel_error     = 1.0 - fit_var_value / sim_var_value
         if abs(rel_error) > fixed_effect_rel_error_bnd :
            msg  = f'rate = {rate_name}, age = {age}, time = {time}'
            msg += f', rel_error = {rel_error}'
      else :
         fixed_effect  = False
         sim_var_value = random_effect_sim[node_id]
         rel_error     = 1.0 - fit_var_value / sim_var_value
   elif var_type in [ 'mulcov_rate_value' , 'mulcov_meas_value' ] :
      fixed_effect   = True
      covariate_name = covariate_table[ row['covariate_id'] ]['covariate_name']
      sim_var_value  = sim_mulcov[covariate_name]
      rel_error     = 1.0 - fit_var_value / sim_var_value
      if abs(rel_error) > fixed_effect_rel_error_bnd :
         msg = f'covariate = {covariate_name}, rel_error = {rel_error}'
   else :
      assert False
   # max_rel_error
   if fixed_effect :
      max_rel_error = max(max_rel_error, abs(rel_error) )
   # truth_var_list
   truth_var_list.append( [ sim_var_value , rel_error] )
# truth_var_table
connection = dismod_at.create_connection(
   file_name, new = False, readonly = False
tbl_name = 'truth_var'
col_name = [ 'truth_var_value' , 'rel_error' ]
col_type = [ 'real', 'real' ]
row_list = truth_var_list
   connection, tbl_name, col_name, col_type, row_list
# max_rel_error
print( f'maximum fixed effect relative error = {max_rel_error}' )
assert max_rel_error <= fixed_effect_rel_error_bnd
print(' OK')